Memories with MHS friends
>> Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I spend one and a half year in MHS and i think form six teaches me a lot of things.I used to hate form six, i can't bear the stress i have, i cried several times at night before the exam, i learn how to deal with rumors, I wonder what makes me take up form six, but i should say i really never regret entering MHS as i really love my friends there..I have lots of memories that i appreciate, i am happy you guys are around me, trying your best to help me to cope with my studies, encourage me and willing to spend your time to teach me..When i went back to school yesterday, i started to recalls the days we carried the boddhi tree into our class, we chase around at the corridor with the cake during kang nguan birthday, we gossip during exam period, the ways mr khoo treats etheen(special cares i mean), the time we get so nervous when Miss Tan ask us about PA question, the time when all of us cramp into Alpha for Mr Khoo class and obviously i do remember how sauwai cheat me and make me scolded by Mr Khoo, the time we went for trip and how they tease me along the trip, the way Mdm Teoh with her "YES", the good relationship eunice and chernyi have, and i guess lots more...When i flashback all this, i started to smile..When i were down, memories help me to move on and when i look at the photos, i started to appreciate the people around me and i should say thanks, i love you guys, even the form six teachers, thank you as i am glad i have meet you in my life..
p/s:this post maybe quite long, i hope those MHS gang will enjoy the pictures and i hope my blog did make u smile...
I love this flowers,i guess you guys still remember
Is F6 Union trip,if i not mistaken
This is during Eunice party
I almost forget about this picture d
Mr Khoo belanja us
The trip..
Siok and yuin Yi farewell
The biology projects
The world championship trip
Eunice partyChoon's party
i think we attend the camp
Lovely Redang
The jamuan that we attend
Redang group picture
Luah's party..
Melaka road trip
Go to beach
After badminton
Here are some recent photos taken during our gathering
At sungai Wang
Seoul Garden
Onnwah's birthday
Yesterday we went back to MHS school and here are some pictures
this dustbin is where onnwah being put inside
In my class
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